Unit 1 – Arrival in the Arab World

Frank and Sarah meet their friends, Sami and Nadia, at the airport.

Additional lexical sets
Places and things at the airport

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language notes
• an Introduction to Arabic sounds and sounds specific to Arabic
• the omission of ‘is/are’ in the phrase ‘This/That is …; These/Those are …’
• a first look at word order
• phrases with feminine and masculine forms

Language Activities
Exercises focusing on Arabic culture; communicative language activities; practice and consolidation of lexis and/or grammar

Cultural Notes
• first impressions on arrival
• being welcomed by your host
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 2 Meeting our Arab friends

Sami welcomes Frank and Sarah into his home. They meet family members and are welcomed with coffee and dates.

Additional lexical sets
family relationships: people in the nuclear family

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: sounds
• new sounds specific to Arabic: Emphatic sounds
• word order in a noun phrase (noun + adjective) plus noun-adjective-agreement
• huna+noun phrase
• tuHibb, tuHibbeen, uHibb

Language Activities
Language activities to revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• impressions when driving from the airport to your hosts’ house
• tradition: from the horseman to the modern motorist
• building and architectural styles
• being welcomed into your host’s house (the duties of the host and the guest, the majlis, greeting each other)
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 3 Our first Arabic meal

Nadia has prepared breakfast outside in the garden. Nadia offers her guests quite a feast.

Additional lexical sets
food at the breakfast table; miscellaneous words to do with meal times

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: sounds and emphatic sounds
• some new sounds specific to Arabic
• hayya+ila-l-… (Let’s go to …)
• more about nouns and adjectives
• from noun phrase (bayt mumtaaz) to sentence (al-bayt mumtaaz)
• expressing wishes
• I like … (uHibb …) and I’ll taste … (ujarrib …)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• hospitality and meals
• Arabic food and drink
• the garden in Arabic culture
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 4 Our house is your house

After breakfast Sami shows his guests to their room. Sami suggests they should rest and later they will go on a tour of the old town.

Additional lexical sets
rooms in the house; furniture

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: sounds
• another sound specific to Arabic
• masculine and feminine nouns plus adjective- agreement
• asking for permission (Can I … / May I …? – yumkin an …)
• the special sound hamza (glottal stop)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• tradition and modernity in a 21st century Arab household:
• the home and the extended family
• areas and rooms (Haram-lik, salam-lik; al-majlis, al-ghurfa as sufra, the roof)
• air-conditioning, heating
• prayer times
• TV-programmes
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 5 Discussing our plans

Sami and Nadia take their guests on a tour of the old town. They find a nice Arabic café and discuss their plans for the coming days.

Additional lexical sets
on the beach; things you might see on a stroll through town

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: masculine and feminine nouns; agreement of nouns and adjectives; omission of ‘is / are’
• from the present (al-ghurfa jameela) to the past (kaanat al-ghurfa jameela): statements/questions
• saying that you enjoyed something (istamta3na-bi-…)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• town planning in the past and present
• traditional features in modern living (the suuq, the mosque, the needs of prayer, the Koran)
• Arab astronomers and sailors
• their influence on Western scientists
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 6 At the souq

Frank and Sarah plan to visit the souq. Sarah wants to buy some frankincense, if the price is right.

Additional lexical sets

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: nouns + personal endings
• possession: nouns + personal endings
• expressing that you have something: 3ind+personal ending
• 3ind+personal ending: from verb phrase to sentence
• 3ind+personal ending: statements, questions (hal 3ind…), negatives (laysa 3ind…)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
Buying and selling
• trade routes and the spread of Islam
• shopping at the suuq
• negotiating a price (‘haggling’)
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 7 Where’s the National Museum?

Frank and Sarah visit the National Museum. However, it’s not easy to find. Frank and Sarah will have to ask for directions if they don’t want to get lost.

Additional lexical sets
places in a town

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: useful words; some grammar rules (masc. and fem. nouns; masc. and fem. adjective-forms; noun-adjective-agreement; word order: noun-adjective)
• distinction between indefinite noun phrase (fikra jayyida), definite noun phrase (al-fikra al-jayyida) and sentence with definite subject (al-fikra jayyida)
• the definite article: al- and ash-, aT-, aS-, as-)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
water – a vital element in the Arab world throughout history
• for town planning
• for the cultivation of gardens
• irrigation systems
• the desalination of sea water
• the fishing industry
• the pearling industry
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 8 Making business contacts

Frank visits Sami’s office and meets the Director, Rasheed al Khaifi. This could be a good opportunity to establish business contacts.

Additional lexical sets
professions and jobs

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: nouns/3ind + personal endings
• verb+personal ending (as object): uHibb, uHibbik, uHibbak, …
• distinction between uHibb shay, uHibb an ashrab qahwa, uHibbak

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
doing business in the Arab world:
• trading from the Phoenicians to the present day
• seven rules of the game
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 9 At the fruit and vegetable market

Nadia and Sarah visit the vegetable market.

Additional lexical sets
fruit and vegetables

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: useful words; nouns, 3ind…, verbs + personal endings; sentences with haadha/haadhihi
• agreement: haadha + masc. noun / haadhihi + fem. noun
• introducing someone:
• haadha abee / haadhihi ummee
• asking who somebody is: maan haadha / maan hadhihi?
• questions with haadha / haadhihi (maa/ayna/hal)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• the meaning of Abu …, Umm …, ibn … and bint …
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 10 Taking a taxi

Frank and Sarah spend an evening together in the old town. Later they take a taxi back to Sami’s and Nadia’s house.

Additional lexical sets
traffic and traffic signs; transport

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: useful words; some useful sentences
• the ‘I-form’ of verbs (1st person singular): a …/u …
• the ‘you-form’ of verbs (2nd person singular): t …/t … een

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• life in the city after sunset
• the role of football
• taking a taxi
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 11 Oh dear, what have I eaten?

Frank eats something that disagrees with him. Sarah has to set out in the early hours to find a chemist.

Additional lexical sets
first aid; the medical profession

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: expressing that you have something (3ind…)
• expressing that you have something: li
• expressing that you have something on you: ma3a

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• getting help in a pharmacy
• traditional public entertainment
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 12 Dinner with the Director

Sami’s boss has invited Frank and Sarah to have dinner at his house. The prospect of a productive business relationship emerges.

Additional lexical sets

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: sounds (3, q, D)
• a closer look at the Hamza (glottal stop)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• protocol at a dinner party
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 13 Where shall we meet?

Frank and Sarah make plans to go for a meal with Sami and Nadia. They arrange a time to meet.

Additional lexical sets
the time

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: the ‘I-form’ (1st person singular) and the ‘you-form’ (2nd person singular) of verbs
• the ‘we-form’ (1st person plural) and the ‘you-form’ (2nd person plural)

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• diversity of social life
• diversity of food
• agreeing when to meet in a private context and in a business context
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 14 In the restaurant

Sami and Nadia invite their guests to dinner in a popular restaurant. Sami has a surprise for Frank and Sarah.

Additional lexical sets
in a restaurant; cutlery

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• ureed an / uHibb an + conjugated verb

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• going out and having a good time
• Lebanese restaurants and Lebanese food
• the waiting staff at a restaurant
• useful phrases and how to use them

Unit 15 Saying goodbye

All good things must come to an end. Frank and Sarah say goodbye to their friends and head for the bus station and the joys of public transport …

Additional lexical sets

Getting to know Arabic script
Recognising and practising Arabic words

Language Notes
• revision: some useful exponents of widely used language functions

Language Activities
Language activities to practise, revise and consolidate the learning material in the unit

Cultural Notes
• saying goodbye to your hosts
• public transport
• Western travel writers in the Arab world
• useful phrases and how to use them